Sunday, December 22, 2013

Powerless Ponies

Headcanon established: this is EXACTLY what happened in "Daring Don't". They were sucked into a book (with emphasis on the sucked part) and Daring Do is still fictional. Perfect.

Rarity and Pinkie Pie were nice, Spike learnes the same crap for the millionth time (really, how insecure can he be after all these episodes that focus on how important he is?), there were a few funny throwaway jokes, and the rest was just boring.

Flutter Hulk is a huge letdown after all the hype with that contrived bit at the end. It was like a bad parody of "Dragonshy" really, only there she got angry when her friends were beat up, now she didn't give a shit about her friends and a stupid bug was randomly thrown in for no reason other than to save her transformation for the end. All it really does is make her look like a bigger jerk than in "Putting Your Hoof Down".

There really is nothing memorable about this episode at all. It could vanish from reality and it would have no effect ("Daring Don't" vanishing from reality would cause real unicorns to be born and world peace to be established forever as it is still the worst episode ever, now and forever into the future, no matter how many seasons the show gets). The whole episode screams "laziness!"

This is the first time a season has disapointed me. I actually feel bad for disliking so many episodes, like I've become a jaded cynic or something. The first episode introduces what appears to be a major theme - that key box - just like the major theme of the first season was getting to the Grand Galoping Gala, and there were references to it in every other episode, but in this season the key box is just dropped totally for a string of bullshit episodes that are like bad fanfic. I can't help feeling like the writers will do an asspull at the end and solve everything in a super rushed manner like they tend to do, only worse because if they don't mention the keys soon NOTHING they could possibly do could fit into a good single or even double episode finale. It will be doomed to suck.

For the first time since I started watching almost three years ago I am not looking forward to next week's episode.

40/100 for "Power Ponies"

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